Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Snow Falleth

I've often heard people say, "We just don't get as much snow around here as we used to. Remember when we were kids? There was a ton of snow." Well, I was a kid in the 1970s and I just learned a few weeks ago through a weather trivia type link on a St. Louis news webpage that the 1970s included three record setting years for snowfall, making the 1970s a very snowy decade, so yes, the 80s, 90s, and 00s have seen less snow than "when we were kids."

But if you live in the St. Louis metro and you trust Dave Murray, then we were told this could be a snowy year. So far I wouldn't yet call it "snowy," but we've gotten a couple decent dumps. This past Friday I took off work while the snow fell but the kids headed to school, only to be released early due to an all-day snowfall. While the snow fell, I stepped onto our deck and took this photo of our backyard:

The snow was very wet which made it heavy to shovel, but also excellent for snowballs and snowmen. Today (Saturday, 2/6), I was outside with the kids just doing a couple jobs when, not surprisingly, someone started a snowball fight and I was all too happy to participate. Here are a couple shots of the fight:

Here is one I really like - Michael letting go of a snowball aimed directly at my butt while I was bent over trying to reload and hit Abbey. (Notice the snowball in flight - thankfully it missed the mark!)

We also went to work on a snowman and we built the biggest snowman we ever have.

Oh, and we're supposed to get 6 - 8 more inches in the next couple days!

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