I'm happy to report that things at work have stabilized after a very rocky 2009. Thankfully I never lost my job although pay cuts were across the board and fully reinstated back in April. Whew. A nice reminder about the importance of saving money and not blowing it all.
In the spring the strawberries started producing like crazy and Michael invited some friends over to have a campout in the backyard for his birthday. This picture was taken the night before his campout after we got the tent set up and while the girls were picking strawberries.
Back in March I bought a new gun, which is about the only thing I actually enjoy shopping for. After charting out all the different options and laboring over each feature, I finally bought a Glock .40 (G26). It is purdy. A man I go to church with is a police officer and after he discovered our mutual interest in firearms he invited me and Michael out to shoot at the police department's shooting range since he is the range officer and weapons instructor. We went out one night after work and shot with a couple of my handguns, the officer's personal assault rifle, and the officer's service pistol. It was a lot of fun, and I learned Michael is an excellent handgun shooter. Here I am shooting my first assault rifle!
As for other news, Annette's part-time job at Six Flags is going well and we are headed to Branson this summer for vacation. The kids are still on the swim team and loving it. I am about to re-start my partially completed project of drywalling part of the basement, among other things. That's about all of a smattering of things I can think of now. More later. Maybe.
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